Welcome to Mill Mountain Zoo
Roanoke, Virginia

Welcome to
Mill Mountain Zoo
We hope you will use this site to learn more about the animals at Mill Mountain Zoo and to become involved in their conservation efforts.
Thank you for visiting Mill Mountain Zoo and having an interest in our animals! Share your favorite pictures on the Zoo's Instagram Page @millmountainzoo!
This website was created as a part of our Senior Project for Conservation Biology at Virginia Tech Spring 2016. We hope that you find the information thought-provoking and interesting as you learn more about the animals in your back-yard and those from around the world.
Thank you!
Savannah Lyons, Meg Simpson, Lakin Underwood, and Sarah Winkowski
Mission Statement
The mission of Mill Mountain Zoo is to promote an appreciation and understanding of animal and
habitat preservation through the use of quality exhibits and educational programs and to work in
cooperation with other animal conservation programs.
This website was updated as a part of our Senior Project for Conservation Biology at Virginia Tech Spring 2017.
Thank you!
Jonathan Hawkins, Jessica Mogren, and Marissa Weissner
*All photographs used are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or were labeled for noncommercial reuse under Google images” Please feel free to click on any photograph or video to be taken to the original source.