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What is a docent?

They are a guide that works in the zoo educating visitors about the animals. They enhance guest experience and have the opportunity to teach the guests. They are an important and valuable addition to any zoo and can help people understand why zoos can be important in conservation and make sure people leave knowing the right information! 

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)  

Cougar (Puma concolor)  

Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes)  

How to Volunteer for the program

  • Must be at least 14 years old

  • Must be willing to make a 3 month commitment

  • Must be willing to commit 4 hours per month

Contact Bambi Godkin at

This program was created as a part of our Senior Project for Conservation Biology at Virginia Tech Spring 2017. 


Thank you! 

Erin Dailey, Ellen Reinecke, and Lindsey Lambakis

*All photographs used are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or were labeled for noncommercial reuse under Google images” Please feel free to click on any photograph or video to be taken to the original source. 

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