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Meet Bettie and Dorothy, our Sandhill Cranes!

Scientific Name: Grus canadensis


Diet: The Sandhill crane is an omnivore and eats grains and invertebrates (bugs).


Fun Fact: Chicks leave the nest just 8 hours after hatching and can even swim!


Frequently Asked Question:

1. Do these birds stay together every year?

Yes, Sandhill Cranes mate for life - this means that they  can have the same partner for 20+ years!


STATUS: Least Concern



How can you help?

You can help by disposing of trash properly and by recycling in order to keep the land and water free of debris.

Where am I from?










  (click on image to learn more)

Sandhill Crane babies discover water!

NEW Sighting! Check out the surpise this Blacksburg family found on their front porch!

This Blacksburg family photographed a Sandhill Crane on their front porch as a part of their migration pattern, Check Out the full post on Facebook!

What Virginia Species am I Similar too?


The Great Blue Heron is another large water bird, and often the two are mistaken for each other, however the Great Blue Heron is smaller and lighter than the Sandhill Crane.

*All photographs used are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or were labeled for noncommercial reuse under Google images” Please feel free to click on any photograph or video to be taken to the original source. 

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