Welcome to Mill Mountain Zoo
Roanoke, Virginia
Scientific Name: Morelia viridis
Carnivorous. Mainly eats other small reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Fun Fact:
This snake spends nearly its entire life living above ground in trees. Their incredibly strong tail allows them to catch prey while dangling down from a branch.
Compare me to...
The Northern Rough Greensnake (Opheodrys aestivus) is found throughout Virginia, except in the New River drainage. Like the Green Tree Python, this snake is arboreal, living out most of its life in trees.
How can I help?
- Although this snake is not listed as in danger, the population may be at risk from the exotic pet trade and habtitat degradation. Be sure never to purchase wild-caught exotic pets, make an effort to use sustainably sourced wood.
1. How big can this snake get?
The Green Tree Python can grow up to six feet long!