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Meet Lara, Daphne, Cleo, our Asian Small-Clawed Otters!


Scientific Name: Aonyx cinerea


Diet: Crabs and mollusks as well as birds and rodents


Habitat: Any body of water that allows for shallow ponds for hunting


Fun Fact: They have about 12 calls that they use to communicate within their social groups




What am I similar to?

The North American River Otter!









Both of these otters are in the family Mustelidae and eat similar food.

Status: Vulnerable

     Reasons Why: Due to habitat loss


How Can You help?

By purchasing products from sustainable and reputable sources. Recycled materials are always a good choice!


Go to to learn more about threatened and endangered species.

Where am I from?

Watch this cool video of Asian Small-Clawed Otters at the National Zoo!

Frequently Asked Question:

- How do the Otters find their friends?

Each Otter has its own scent that is as distinctive as a human fingerprint!

*All photographs used are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or were labeled for noncommercial reuse under Google images” Please feel free to click on any photograph or video to be taken to the original source. 

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