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Meet Lara, Daphne, Cleo, our Asian Small-Clawed Otters!


Scientific Name: Aonyx cinerea


Diet: Crabs and mollusks as well as birds and rodents


Habitat: Any body of water that allows for shallow ponds for hunting


Fun Fact: They have about 12 calls that they use to communicate within their social groups




What am I similar to?

The North American River Otter!









Both of these otters are in the family Mustelidae and eat similar food.

Status: Vulnerable

     Reasons Why: Due to habitat loss


How Can You help?

By purchasing products from sustainable and reputable sources. Recycled materials are always a good choice!


Go to to learn more about threatened and endangered species.

Where am I from?

Watch this cool video of Asian Small-Clawed Otters at the National Zoo!

Frequently Asked Question:

- How do the Otters find their friends?

Each Otter has its own scent that is as distinctive as a human fingerprint!

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