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Meet Jayden, our Eurasian Lynx!

Scientific Name: Lynx lynx


Status: Least concern

      Why: Population increase due to conservation efforts and reintroduction



Diet: Carnivore. Eats other animals such as deer, elk, rabbits, rodents, and birds.

Fun Fact: 

1) They can kill an animal 3-4 times their size.

2) They are crepuscular which means they are active during dawn and dusk.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1) Do they make sounds?

Yes, just like your house cat they hiss, growl, and purr.

Where am I from?









Habitat: Forested areas heavily populated with ungulates (such as deer and Elk)

Management Efforts:


European countries created conservation plans as well as public awareness to help the lynx.


How Can You Help?


Use recycled wood products to limit habitat loss and do not purchase animal skins of any kind.


Video: Eurasian Lynx and her cub

What Virginia species am I similar to?


Besides the obvious similarity in appearance, both the Eurasian Lynx (Lynx lynx) and the Bobcat (Lynx rufus) live in forested areas and prey on other mammals for food. They also share common threats: habitat loss and hunting. 

Bobcat: Lynx rufus

For More Information Visit These Links: 


IUCN Red List



Encyclopedia of Life

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