Welcome to Mill Mountain Zoo
Roanoke, Virginia
Meet Dante, our Red Wolf!
Scientific Name: Canis rufus
Status: Critically endangered
Why? The main cause of downfall for the red wolf is hybridization with coyotes. Another threat is humans, red wolves are often mistaken for coyotes and shot by hunters.
Diet: Carnivore: small mammals such as rodents and rabbits.
Fun Fact:
1) There are only 80 red wolves in the wild.
2) Male and female red wolves pair-bond for life
Frequently Asked Questions:
1) Do Red Wolves live in packs?
Yes, they typically live in packs of five to eight individuals.
Management Efforts:
There are three national wildlife refuges in north Carolina set aside for the protection of these wolves, 60% private land and 40% public land.
How Can I Help?
Educate yourself and those you know on the differences between coyotes and red wolves
Video: Red Wolf Facts