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STATUS: Not Accessed 

How can I help?


-Be wary of the illegal exotic pet trade.

-Be a conscious consumer. Many species in South-East Asia are threatened by the
destruction of forest habitat for timber, palm oil, and more.


1. Are both these lizards the same species?
Yes, the differences between these two individuals is a result of sexual dimorphism--meaning the male and female of the species look distincly different. The lizard with the pink throat and larger crest is the male, and the other lizard is the female.

Where can you find me?











     (Click the map to find out more)
In forested areas near freshwater streams, rivers, and lakes in South-East Asia.


Check out this video to see the territorial display of the Chinese Water Dragon.


Scientific Name: Physignathus cocincinus


Omnivorous. The water dragon mainly eats insects, but will eat small animals or plants on occasion.


Fun Fact:
Water dragons can run standing up on just their strong hind legs, although they don't do this often.

They also have a powerful, whip-like tail which they use as a weapon to fend of predators and agressors.


Compare me to...












The Eastern Fence Lizard (Sceloporus undulatus) is found throughout Virginia. Like the Chinese Water Dragon, they mainly eat insects and are active during the day. Both species defend territory from other males through head-bobbing displays.

*All photographs used are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or were labeled for noncommercial reuse under Google images” Please feel free to click on any photograph or video to be taken to the original source. 

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