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Meet Radio, our Red-Billed Blue Magpie!

Scientific Name: Urocissa erythrorhyncha

Diet: Invertebrates, other small animals, fruit, and some seeds


Fun Fact: They can mimic sounds such as a camera shutter!


What I'm Similar to: American Crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos)












Both the American Crow and the Magpie are in the same family - Corvidae. The Blue Jay is also in this family. You can see Crows and Blue Jays in your own backyard!

STATUS: Least Concern



How can I help?

You can help all animals by keeping nature clean by recycling and not littering!

Where am I from?










       (Click on the image to learn more)


Magpies prefer evergreen forests in hilly or mountainous terrain.


Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can all birds mimic sounds like Radio?

          No, only certain birds can.

Check Out This Video of a Magpie's Mimicry!

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