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Habitat: Broad range of habitats from forests to lowland and montane deserts.

Meet our Cougar, Nina!

Scientific Name: Puma concolor


Status: Least concern

     Why? The species is widely distributed.



Diet: Carnivore: Deer, black bear, porcupines, beavers, and small rodents.


Fun Fact:

1) Known by many different names such as: puma, deer tiger, mountain lion, and panther.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) How high can they jump?

 A puma can jump 18 feet in the air, and jump across a span of 25 feet. 

Management Efforts:

The most of the species range is protected where hunting is prohibited or regulated.


How Can I Help?

Recycling and using reusable products can help and using recycles wood products is a good way to help.  Also, drive carefully in areas with cougars, road accidents are the reason the Florida Panther, a subspecies of cougar, is endangered.

Video: Up Close With the Cougars

How to spot a Cougar Track:

Once deemed extinct in Virginia, the cougar may have made a comeback. There have been unconfirmed sightings throughout many Virginia counties and this has people both excited and skeptical.


To learn more about the Cougar visit the following links:




Encyclopedia of Life 

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