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Habitat: Broad range of habitats from forests to lowland and montane deserts.

Meet our Cougar, Nina!

Scientific Name: Puma concolor


Status: Least concern

     Why? The species is widely distributed.



Diet: Carnivore: Deer, black bear, porcupines, beavers, and small rodents.


Fun Fact:

1) Known by many different names such as: puma, deer tiger, mountain lion, and panther.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1) How high can they jump?

 A puma can jump 18 feet in the air, and jump across a span of 25 feet. 

Management Efforts:

The most of the species range is protected where hunting is prohibited or regulated.


How Can I Help?

Recycling and using reusable products can help and using recycles wood products is a good way to help.  Also, drive carefully in areas with cougars, road accidents are the reason the Florida Panther, a subspecies of cougar, is endangered.

Video: Up Close With the Cougars

How to spot a Cougar Track:

Once deemed extinct in Virginia, the cougar may have made a comeback. There have been unconfirmed sightings throughout many Virginia counties and this has people both excited and skeptical.


To learn more about the Cougar visit the following links:




Encyclopedia of Life 

*All photographs used are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution or were labeled for noncommercial reuse under Google images” Please feel free to click on any photograph or video to be taken to the original source. 

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